Azir Irfan is my name..

Friday, 2 June 2017

How to achieve success in life and study

Tips to achieve success in your study

by = Ahmad Azir Irfan

-Achieving success in life is  parable like chasing the bird at sky,in a gloomy-dark day without any techs nor gadgets. Therefore,to achieve the result,we have to think creatively, plus with the tremendous effort and a gasping lucky charm to reach our goals.These tips may quite being useful, but it depends on your abilities and your enthusiastic spirit to get it.

YOU may use this concept =

Effort+Innovation+Luck+Belief+Positive+Consistent= Success

(EIL BPC/I'll be a personal chief)

1)Effort= the key of success

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This key of achieving success, known as effort, is something you should probably been mentioned.Though, it looks quite harder if you worked on it. Put your best hardship in doing something, whether it could be in a ;long or short period of time.Therefore, it's not matter where you had successfully make it or not,just put your best wish and try,as you will learn from the mistake that you made.Remember,practice makes perfect.

2)Innovation-The source of Independence
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Innovation plays an important role in your life.Through innovation, it may enhanced your ability in living skills and nurture yourself in morality. Despite that,this is the main source of civilization in historical era.Lack of these type of skills, you gonna lose your way  in life.Create anything new.This had been mentioned by the 21st century physicist Albert Einstein (Imagination is powerful than knowledge).

3)Luck- the coin of possibility 

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Luck is a coin. Sometimes,even playing guess on a dice could make a doorstep to our possibilities in achieving success.Yet, don't depend on it.Luck could be easier,but it may took a shot of miracles from ABOVE.Try your best,Soldiers of The Future.

4)Belief-The sacred presence  

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Study in science shows us that above 80-90% of our brain connected properly and miraculously ,research shows that The brain will absolutely more accurate when we are in a state of upside down(in terms of Muslims) and through meditation,it will absorb all kinds of positive outlooks and input.Whatever types of religion been embraced, trust me,religion is something spiritual that create thousands of imagination.

   5)Positive- The outlook

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Positive incomes cause great potential in success.Research and studies had proven that with just a little pimp of positive smiles, good attitudes have attributed to societies.Have a great optimistic smile, and you have chances to make your day different from yesterday.

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Consistency: The door of endless time

Lastly,Consistency.Nor matter how much time do you really spend on studying,consistency in studying is far more worth than just put a milestone on your book a day before exam. Time is endless but unrepeatable, so spend your time on your book and give it a chance to spend on your day with the book.(PS= use your own technique to study, VISUAL/KINESTHETIC/AUDITORY learner.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

SBL(Senarai Barang dalam loker)

WEloo and happy for all! Today,aku akan bagi tips camane nak hias loker korang jikalau korang ada loker kecil.

Senarai barangan utama:

-Barangan(Post tadi),tapi yg korang rasa senang dibawa.

-Rak buku(yg senang dilipat)

-Optional; penyusunan

-ni yelah average loker korang akan dapat dalam Door Room(DORM) korang.

ni yelah imagenye ye;image=yg tpi skali(kiri).

Image result for Loker


Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Senarai barang asramaku........

Hello dan assalamualaikum kepda sesiapa yg ingin memasuki asrma,korang rasa sibuk x nk cari barng keperluan asrama korang?Jangan panik dan gementar,sebab aku ada tips dan senarai barangan atau aset penting dalam asrama korang.

Jadi,aku bagi tips ini untuk aku dan sesiapa yang dapat 5/6 A dalam UPSR tahun ini dan masuk asrama mulai thn hadapan.Kategori barangan asrama ini dibhgikan kepada 5 bahagian

1-Barangan sekolah

2-Barangan keperluan

3-Barangan peribadi

4-Barangan semasa tidur

5-Barangan kokurikulum

Ok,nampak macam A LOT OF THINGS TO BRING,DOESN'T IT?Baiklah aku pecahkan barangan ini kepada singkatannya.

-1=Barangan sekolah

Apa yg korng perlu bawa ialah

1-Buku  (teks,aktiviti,latihan dan peralatan) secukupnya
2-Buku aktiviti/latihan(untuk ulang kaji).

2=Barangan Keperluan

Ini sebenarnya banyak jenis,tapi kategori utama yang aku maksudkan ialah=

1-Barngan semasa mandi
2-Barangan semasa hiasan baju(bergantung kepada peraturan asrama)

3=Barangan peribadi

Jikalau sesiapa yg baca blog aku ni pompuan,korang pahamlah apa maksudnya.Barangan peribadi yg dimaksudkan ialah alat solek,gambar(ibu bapa ye,atau target korang,untuk capai matlamat korng,jangn fikir bukan-bukan). Kategori ini temasuk komik atau bahan bacaan ilmiah.

4-Barangan semasa tidur

Barangan ni korang jaga skit.Barang ni kebanyakan org dalam dorm acap kali hilang dari pandangan korang.Thumbs up!Jadi,korang kena jaga,ini termasuk:Jam loceng,bantal,sarung bantal,selimut,cadar, dan barangan peribadi tidur(barangan di atas,adalah barangan harian,yg ni khas untuk tidur shja).

5-Barangan kokurikulum

Barangan ni adalah barng seperti bdminton,(raket dan blu tgkis),bola sepak-Futsal-sepak takraw-bola baling-etc=memerlukan kasut,bola(mengikut prmainan) dan skill serta pengajar.

jadi=ini adalah brgn korang yg korang prlu cri sblum sekolah asrama brmula,Selamat Mencari dan jumpa lagi pada post seterusnyeee!

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Life Of The H.A.P.S.A.M

Hello,assalamualaikum kepada semua pelajar dan bakal pelajar arama~harini aku pikir rasa untuk bersantai pula!Dulu blog aku penuh dengan fakta sains dalam BI,tapi harini aku rasa ingin bagitau korang cerita santai dan Top 5 benda yang amat Geli tapi seronok di asrama.

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di atas=bukan muka sebenar!

1-Makan maggi di dorm

ramai yang sangka benda ni dah biasa dalam hidup diorang dalam asrama. makn maggi dalam pinggan mahupun  dalam bekas yang tersedia. Ada juga yang makan dalam baldi basuh baju. tulah benda yg x boleh lupa. Aku rasa kpda yang bakal masuk asrama nnti,jgn terkjut skiranya senior korang nnti makan maggi dalam baldi yeeer!  

2-Gaya pengajaran senior kepada junior

Ramai yang sangka bahwasanya asrama x menarik sebab senior kelihatan sangat garang dan kebanyakan perwatakan ``Aggressive"(maaflah,x jumpa scroll (``)).Sebenarnye,,#spoiler alert##diorang ni baik sebenarnya.Sebenarnya,diorang ni asalnya macam korang, cuma yang ubahkan diorang menjadi(seperti yang dinyatakan di atas), adalah disebabkan oleh persekitaran,tragedi,views of thinking dan Retribution(kepada yg paham) kepada korang semua.kdngkala, diorang (Avenged for something they lost).

3-Psychological nerve and cultural changes.

Maaflah, kalau korang rasa aku letak BI dalam ni,sorilah.Sebenarnya, aku xnaklah bagitau,cuma sebenarnya nk bagi korang faham mesej aku ni.Fahamlah, first time aku campur adukkan semua jenis,baii.Kadng2 korang kena pahamlah jugak,kan?ok lah.maksd aku di atas ialh=bila masuk asrama, segala jenis perubahan dari segi psikologi maupun mentaliti.Bukan tu je,korang pun nanti ikut perubahan budaya diorang jugak,tau.

4-Banyak benda nak bawak ni!

Masuk sana bukan lagi macam sekolah biasa,daftar lepastu bagi buku teks, tapi korang kena bawak segala harta peribadi,toiletries dan barangan yang dibenarkan sahaja.Terkadang tuu, jaga2 sikit sebab (ada yang melihat).

5-Hunt the knowledge!

Burulah ilmu pengetahuan(Akademik,Sosiologi dan Rohani) kerana mereka adalah sumber makanan anda bila korang besaQ nanti .Apapun,selamat maju jaya kepada mereka di luar sana dan WELCOME<AHLAN WA SAHLAN<SELAMAT DATANG KE ASRAMA!

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IMAGE; SAMONE(Sekolah Agama Menengah Muhammadiah)

Thursday, 8 December 2016

for Skam3renners

For those whom was once a student from SKAM 3,this is Irfan and i wanna ask u about ur did u make it pal?i hope u are alright.Look,i need your help.for those who had scored well in M3,i need your tips,please?

Thursday, 15 September 2016

The Pie-Mta1

Okay,From my previous post,i have shown many things and it's quite embarrassing about it due to non commenting about the post.So, i will use this .Hopefully, y'all guys will comment this.

Image result for circumference and area of a circle 

Diameter is a straight line between the circle.The half is radius.To measure it, we use the Greek most common unit Pi



Area of circle:radius*radius*Pi

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

The happiness of the Eid Day.

I wanna tell you something about the Eid day.It is actually a day when the Muslims celebrate the victorious day after 29 days of fasting[resist and refrain from  hunger and thirst].It also the day we seek forgiveness and  celebrate the happiest day of our life.The Eid also has it's history. The Messenger of  Allah once saw that the Muslims celebrate the same festivals with the disbeliever.The messenger  then gave them a  new festival that only Muslims could celebrate the day.He said it is Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adha. So i wanna say Selamat Hari Raya and Happy Eid for those Muslims in my country and overseas. bye!