Azir Irfan is my name..

Thursday, 22 December 2016

SBL(Senarai Barang dalam loker)

WEloo and happy for all! Today,aku akan bagi tips camane nak hias loker korang jikalau korang ada loker kecil.

Senarai barangan utama:

-Barangan(Post tadi),tapi yg korang rasa senang dibawa.

-Rak buku(yg senang dilipat)

-Optional; penyusunan

-ni yelah average loker korang akan dapat dalam Door Room(DORM) korang.

ni yelah imagenye ye;image=yg tpi skali(kiri).

Image result for Loker


Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Senarai barang asramaku........

Hello dan assalamualaikum kepda sesiapa yg ingin memasuki asrma,korang rasa sibuk x nk cari barng keperluan asrama korang?Jangan panik dan gementar,sebab aku ada tips dan senarai barangan atau aset penting dalam asrama korang.

Jadi,aku bagi tips ini untuk aku dan sesiapa yang dapat 5/6 A dalam UPSR tahun ini dan masuk asrama mulai thn hadapan.Kategori barangan asrama ini dibhgikan kepada 5 bahagian

1-Barangan sekolah

2-Barangan keperluan

3-Barangan peribadi

4-Barangan semasa tidur

5-Barangan kokurikulum

Ok,nampak macam A LOT OF THINGS TO BRING,DOESN'T IT?Baiklah aku pecahkan barangan ini kepada singkatannya.

-1=Barangan sekolah

Apa yg korng perlu bawa ialah

1-Buku  (teks,aktiviti,latihan dan peralatan) secukupnya
2-Buku aktiviti/latihan(untuk ulang kaji).

2=Barangan Keperluan

Ini sebenarnya banyak jenis,tapi kategori utama yang aku maksudkan ialah=

1-Barngan semasa mandi
2-Barangan semasa hiasan baju(bergantung kepada peraturan asrama)

3=Barangan peribadi

Jikalau sesiapa yg baca blog aku ni pompuan,korang pahamlah apa maksudnya.Barangan peribadi yg dimaksudkan ialah alat solek,gambar(ibu bapa ye,atau target korang,untuk capai matlamat korng,jangn fikir bukan-bukan). Kategori ini temasuk komik atau bahan bacaan ilmiah.

4-Barangan semasa tidur

Barangan ni korang jaga skit.Barang ni kebanyakan org dalam dorm acap kali hilang dari pandangan korang.Thumbs up!Jadi,korang kena jaga,ini termasuk:Jam loceng,bantal,sarung bantal,selimut,cadar, dan barangan peribadi tidur(barangan di atas,adalah barangan harian,yg ni khas untuk tidur shja).

5-Barangan kokurikulum

Barangan ni adalah barng seperti bdminton,(raket dan blu tgkis),bola sepak-Futsal-sepak takraw-bola baling-etc=memerlukan kasut,bola(mengikut prmainan) dan skill serta pengajar.

jadi=ini adalah brgn korang yg korang prlu cri sblum sekolah asrama brmula,Selamat Mencari dan jumpa lagi pada post seterusnyeee!

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Life Of The H.A.P.S.A.M

Hello,assalamualaikum kepada semua pelajar dan bakal pelajar arama~harini aku pikir rasa untuk bersantai pula!Dulu blog aku penuh dengan fakta sains dalam BI,tapi harini aku rasa ingin bagitau korang cerita santai dan Top 5 benda yang amat Geli tapi seronok di asrama.

Image result for ahmad azir irfan

di atas=bukan muka sebenar!

1-Makan maggi di dorm

ramai yang sangka benda ni dah biasa dalam hidup diorang dalam asrama. makn maggi dalam pinggan mahupun  dalam bekas yang tersedia. Ada juga yang makan dalam baldi basuh baju. tulah benda yg x boleh lupa. Aku rasa kpda yang bakal masuk asrama nnti,jgn terkjut skiranya senior korang nnti makan maggi dalam baldi yeeer!  

2-Gaya pengajaran senior kepada junior

Ramai yang sangka bahwasanya asrama x menarik sebab senior kelihatan sangat garang dan kebanyakan perwatakan ``Aggressive"(maaflah,x jumpa scroll (``)).Sebenarnye,,#spoiler alert##diorang ni baik sebenarnya.Sebenarnya,diorang ni asalnya macam korang, cuma yang ubahkan diorang menjadi(seperti yang dinyatakan di atas), adalah disebabkan oleh persekitaran,tragedi,views of thinking dan Retribution(kepada yg paham) kepada korang semua.kdngkala, diorang (Avenged for something they lost).

3-Psychological nerve and cultural changes.

Maaflah, kalau korang rasa aku letak BI dalam ni,sorilah.Sebenarnya, aku xnaklah bagitau,cuma sebenarnya nk bagi korang faham mesej aku ni.Fahamlah, first time aku campur adukkan semua jenis,baii.Kadng2 korang kena pahamlah jugak,kan?ok lah.maksd aku di atas ialh=bila masuk asrama, segala jenis perubahan dari segi psikologi maupun mentaliti.Bukan tu je,korang pun nanti ikut perubahan budaya diorang jugak,tau.

4-Banyak benda nak bawak ni!

Masuk sana bukan lagi macam sekolah biasa,daftar lepastu bagi buku teks, tapi korang kena bawak segala harta peribadi,toiletries dan barangan yang dibenarkan sahaja.Terkadang tuu, jaga2 sikit sebab (ada yang melihat).

5-Hunt the knowledge!

Burulah ilmu pengetahuan(Akademik,Sosiologi dan Rohani) kerana mereka adalah sumber makanan anda bila korang besaQ nanti .Apapun,selamat maju jaya kepada mereka di luar sana dan WELCOME<AHLAN WA SAHLAN<SELAMAT DATANG KE ASRAMA!

Image result for sam muhammadiah

IMAGE; SAMONE(Sekolah Agama Menengah Muhammadiah)

Thursday, 8 December 2016

for Skam3renners

For those whom was once a student from SKAM 3,this is Irfan and i wanna ask u about ur did u make it pal?i hope u are alright.Look,i need your help.for those who had scored well in M3,i need your tips,please?

Thursday, 15 September 2016

The Pie-Mta1

Okay,From my previous post,i have shown many things and it's quite embarrassing about it due to non commenting about the post.So, i will use this .Hopefully, y'all guys will comment this.

Image result for circumference and area of a circle 

Diameter is a straight line between the circle.The half is radius.To measure it, we use the Greek most common unit Pi



Area of circle:radius*radius*Pi

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

The happiness of the Eid Day.

I wanna tell you something about the Eid day.It is actually a day when the Muslims celebrate the victorious day after 29 days of fasting[resist and refrain from  hunger and thirst].It also the day we seek forgiveness and  celebrate the happiest day of our life.The Eid also has it's history. The Messenger of  Allah once saw that the Muslims celebrate the same festivals with the disbeliever.The messenger  then gave them a  new festival that only Muslims could celebrate the day.He said it is Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adha. So i wanna say Selamat Hari Raya and Happy Eid for those Muslims in my country and overseas. bye!

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Origin of stars-Collapse Model

There are new theory about overachieving planet.,the Collapse Model.It's actually formed when gas giants from the collapse of gas disc of a still growing stars.In the place of rocky core,planet grows around of a seed of dense gas.This is similar to how stars and brown dwarfs are formed.We could call them"overachieving planet''.

 IMAGE:Collapse model

Tuesday, 7 June 2016


Hello,blogger and viewers.I have something to show you.It's not about science theory and conspiracies,comic or anything else that were involved in this blog.I want to show you the guys in this picture.

Monday, 30 May 2016

THE STAR WARS THEORY:Supreme Leader Snoke

The mysterious leader of The First Order,Supreme Leader Snoke is an anonymous,great,enormous and Dark Side Force user.Known for it's doesn't have any permanent base or any base,he prefers to contact his organisation by a mobile command post.


Distinctive skin,idiosyncratic and skilled with the Dark Side of the Force who had trained Kylo Ren and his other apprentice.


After 30 years of Galactic Civil War and arisen before the Galactic Empire

Bio:He witnessed the fall of the empire and established the  new organisation,FIRST ORDER and believed their[Han and Leia]son,Ben could bring the balance between dark and light side.



Friday, 27 May 2016

The Tiny Matter

Do you realize the small part of our object,they are made by this type of thing,Matter.What is matter,i mean,not the phrase "What's the matter''.I mean, The Matter of an object.Matter is anything that occupies mass and space.For example:

Characteristic:Particles moved vibrating  in a fixed position.It were arranged neatly and close in order.It has a fixed volume and shape.It also have the high density which is it can sinks in the water.You can't compress the solid because there are no space between particles.  

Characteristic:Particles moved randomly but slow in their position.They were arranged further apart and  not arranged in order.It can takes the shape of an object but in a fixed volume.It also have a medium density and had the difficulty to compress the matter due to no enough space between particles,too. 

Characteristic:Particles moved randomly and fast.They didn't have a fixed position,far apart and not arranged in order.It can takes both of them,shape and volume of object.It also has the lowest density among the matters and it is easy to compress it.

Image: Matter's particles

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Beneath The Suffered Mercury...........

We know that it's the only slightly bigger than our own Earth's Moon.It's also the closest and the first position from our Solar System planet.During the long period of 58-HOUR[1 year:88 days,the surface of the planet will be super heated until 430*C[800*F] and cooled down in night.It's temperature can drop as low as -180*C[-300*F].Despite from it's proximity to the Sun,the planet's reflective surface and lack of atmosphere mean it isn't the most hottest planet[but Venus and the planet has it's own dubious honor].

Image:Mercury air composition

 Image:Mercury Day and Night Temperature


1.Mapped 99% of the Planet and shield reaches 700*F(360*C)

2.It can detect the Geochemistry of the Mercury

3.Discover more about Mercury's feature.

They explore the Mercury's own gravitational measurement from Messenger and figured that Mercury's own iron core even bigger than previous thoughts.It also revealed the iron core which has an unusually complex structure.Area above it's much denser than rocky mantle,although not denser as iron.IT means the central of the core is encased in a shell of iron sulphide 200 km(125 miles)thick-an unseen situation in another planet.


Image:The crust begin with a blue graph,then mantle start with the green and red graph,thirdly and next are similar to solid iron sulphide and liquid iron outer core.Finally,solid iron inner would be in green colorful graph.THAT'S ALL FOR TODAY,BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

To be continued in Chapter 2:Feature of Mercury

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Star Wars Theory:Han Solo

Image result for han solo

Han Solo was once a Rebellion General,captain of the Millennium Falcon,smuggler,scoundrel and Rebellion Alliance Hero.He was once Luke Skywalker's fast friend and had accompanied by his best Wookie creature named Chewbacca/Chewie.

First appearance ;Star Wars 4,5,6

Last appearance;Star Wars:The Force Awakens

Image result for millennium falcon

Image:The Millennium Falcon

Image result for chewbacca 

Image: The chewbacca

Wednesday, 16 March 2016


Maybe you don't know there are many objects are moving at your own surrounding.Sir Isaac Newton [1643-1727] has given us a new and fundamental basics in physics about motion after Aristotle thinks that objects after moving,then stop due to supporting from removal air from the rear.Galileo Galilei then noticed the mistake and he[Newton] expanding the theory and create the law of Inersia.


-Inersia: Nature which has retained the object at it's own speed/position IF there aren't any force that imposed from outside.

-The Law of Inersia: If the force are not imposed to an object,the stop- motion object,would be stationary and always stops.While the object that always move,it always move towards.

Example:The movement of the vehicles,objects and someone and flip of a curtain.

#2 F=MA

-The more force imposed,the more changes of the velocity.F=MA means Force=mass*acceleration.If the acceleration is imposed to an object,the net force will directly proportional to magnitude way of net force,in same direction,it will inversely proportional to the mass of an object.

Example:Movement of an object

Example:Timmy's car mass is 450 kg.The acceleration of the car is 0.15 m/s*2.What is it's force?
Answer:450 kg *0.15=67.5=6.75N

#3 The different reaction

When the magnitude of direction is same,the reaction will be opposite/same[equal],that is law of motion and reaction.


Let me give you the way to understand it.

Timmy wants to sail with his boat.In this case,Timmy is the action while the boat is the reaction of Timmy's action.


In late 70's, extreme rare event was held at the orbits of outer planet of Solar System;Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus, Neptune and Pluto aligned such a way that could possibly for a pair of spacecraft to travel,visit and study about them.
-To take benefits of this once in every 175 years chance,Almost 4 decades later,the rickety old probes still travelling and making discoveries push forward the boundaries of science.

V1:Voyager 1


Mass:721.9 kg[1 592/1600 lb]

Current Speed:62,000 kph [38,000 mph]

Distance from Earth in 2015:19.3 billion km[12 billion miles]

V2: Voyager 2


Mass:721.9 kg[1 600 lb]

Current Speed:55,000 kph[34,500 mph]

Distance from Earth in 2015:15.9 billion kph[9.9 billion mph]

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

The Dwarf Sons

After the Solar System,there is a belt that is the final frontier of our space System.It was called THE KUIPER BELT.It looks like a disc-shaped region of icy debris for about:6-7.5 billion km[3.7-4.6 million miles] from THE SUN.There are 1000 objects in the Kuiper belt has been discovered,almost from '92.

Dwarf planet:







DIAMETER:2344 km[1457 miles]
Bio:Named after ancient Roman god,who ruled the underworld


DIAMETER:2340 km[1454 miles]
Bio:An ancient Greek goddess of chaos,strife and discord


DIAMETER:1960 km[1218 miles,at widest point]
Bio:It was named Haumea because Hawaian god of fertility named it


DIAMETER:approximately 1900 km[1180 miles]
Bio:Named after Polynesian god of fertility


DIAMETER:1180-1800 km[733-1118 miles]
Bio:The DWARF PLANET SEDNA has been given name by an Inuit[Eskimos] goddess of sea.


This is the orbit,but the actual one you must check it on this book;

Image result for science but not as we know it