Azir Irfan is my name..

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Comic-Con Trailer [HD]


The great duel will begin,the man vs the survivor,the day vs the night,The Hero vs The Knight,the light vs the dark and The Gotham Hero vs The City Hero.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Batman v Superman:The Big Duel Battle

Hey Guys!Do you know there is a new movie between Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck,Let me tell you,The upcoming and big battle between The knight and The Hero

Look great,huh?it is the the most unforgettable movie and i like to watch it on 25 Mar 2016,it is the great duel between the Gotham-dark vigilante,and the Hero of The City,Superman and great battle between the psycho billionaire,Lex Luthor

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Star Wars Theory:Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker is a legendary,known to be the Last Jedi survivor and a great Jedi Master.He was also idolize his father( unlike Kylo Ren)Anakin Skywalker. After 30 years on Galactic Civil War at Endor ,He built a new Jedi Academy,But Han says that his son,Ben Solo[Kylo Ren] destroy the academy and Jedi generation,cause Luke to hide and escaped from Kylo's plan.

-He born at Polis Massa, when he was at Dark Ages,he was hidden at Tatooine,19 years before the Battle Of Yavin. He also a new apprentice of Ben Kenobi and Yoda.

-Before he was a Jedi, he is blonde hair,1.72 meters height and have a bright blue color of his eyes.
-After being a Jedi Master, his hair is grey, then white,looks a little fat and he has a prosthetic cybernetics arm,too.

 Luke Skywalker. Jedi master

Albert Einstein History

-German- born theoretical  physicist in 14 March 1879 in ULM,when in German Empire.Son of  Herman Einstein and Pauline Koch Einstein.
-They moved to Munich in 1880,where his father and uncle,Jacob found his own electrical equipment  company.
-One day,his father and uncle's company failed to secure a bid supply electrical current because they lacked the capital to convert their own equipment from DC to AC standard that is predominant way.
-He get failed at his examination but gain exceptional at maths and physics.

Einstein's matriculation certificate when he is 17,Argovian catonal school.

-He also develop the influence of science and modern physics philosophy.He also given the most popular mass equivalence energy formula:E=MC2 means Energy = Mass * Speed Of Light.He then received the Nobel Prize in year 1921 for laws of photoelectric effect that was pivotal in quantum theory.  
-He then died in 18 April 1955,where he was at Princeton,New Jersey when he was aged 76.His service to science will be honored until today.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

The big planet[overachieving planet or the failed star?]

Gas giant planet,Brown Dwarf and Dwarf Star,such as Jupiter,Gliese 229B and Ogle-TR-122B is made from same ingredients:90%hydrogen+10%Helium.It also comes from heat quality of star.

Let me show you the information of The overachieving planet/Failed Star;



Mass:1 mass of Jupiter

Despite from it's own size,this planet isn't particularly dense,beside it doesn't have enough mass to force the atoms that make it up to fuse them together.It is pretty cold and cool place.



Mass:40 Jupiter masses

This big Brown Dwarf is far more massive than Jupiter.Gravitational force for extra mass will be enough to make deuterium atoms to fuse from it's core-generating heat for short time.

Ogle TR 122B


Mass:96 Jupiter mass

-Ogle TR 122B is more than 2x massive as Gliese.It can creates it's enough core to pressure for Hydrogen fusion to take place and can create heat for millions of years.

Brown dwarf Star

Maybe some of you don't know there is a star that almost undetectable.The star is brown,small and "Failed Star''.The star is known as the Brown Dwarf.The similarities between the star and brown dwarf is their own formation,gravitational collapse from dust and gas.But,mostly Brown Dwarfs are drop out of the stellar university and spend of its' life as THE FAILED STAR.

Let me show you how it's formed:

1)Gathering gas and dust cloud

-The interstellar gas and dust will gather and denser,The gas that from Hydrogen and Helium,which form a little amount of deuterium[heavy Hydrogen] and some lithium.The centre will get more denser than it's own surroundings.It will make a seed that the star will grows up.

2)The young protostar

-Luckily, the extra gravitational pull from the seed sucked/drawn the cloud's materials into the centre until the young protostar is born.

3)The gaining fusion 

-Protostar somehow will gains mass and contracts under it's own weight.As it denser,the core will heats up until it is hot enough to fuse the deuterium.Energy created by the fusion from deuterium that will heats up the protostar to several million degrees and stop shrinking.

4)Dreams that won't come true

-The young protostar will daydreaming but here it ends.It will runs out of the fuel of deuterium and hasn't gained enough mass to keep the fusion process keep going[It would takes more energy to fuse the Hydrogen].

5)Cool it off!

-After no new energy was created in the core,it starts to cool down and shrinking.

6)The Identical

-Eventually,BROWN DWARF will be almost identical/twins to gas giant planet.

7)Invisible and undetectable

-In somehow,it cools completely and almost undetectable/invisible.


Tuesday, 9 February 2016


You may wonder why the roller coaster keep moving swing like a pendulum and move below with the highest velocity.Do you know,the roller coaster keeps moving up and down,horizontal and vertical  because it has the kinetic,potential and mechanical energy.

     Hints:Mechanical energy-Total of kinetic and potential energy.
Potential energy:Energy that stored in object at the highest place[can be in elastic object].
Kinetic energy:Energy that stored in moving object.
Heat energy:Energy that stored in hot object.

1)The mechanical energy

When we moving while hiking over the top,it is call the mechanical energy.It is the same principle as the roller coaster did.When it is moving until the top it would be called the mechanical energy.

2)The potential energy

After we reach to the top,we will get the potential energy.Then,it will turn to the last one,kinetic energy.

3)The kinetic energy

Finally,it would turn the potential energy to kinetic energy and it will roll over and over until it's turn to heat energy.

The easiest way


Monday, 8 February 2016


You may thought the dead region of the star/BLACK HOLE,right?I'm so sorry to not publish to you about the BLACK HOLE.I will tell you about it.


Black hole is the dead region of our massive Sun.If it is to small,it could create the neutron star only.The BLACK HOLE is created from the dead,massive star.It has Event Horizon,the side of The BLACK HOLE which the is pointless to return.It also has the SINGULARITY, the heart of the massive black which neither time or motion moving.It has a colossal gravitational energy that can sucked all type of matters,mass,object and etc.It also has a magnetic field lines ,too.Accretion disc is the most important because it also where the particles are piled up and spun.It also whips the particle into frenzy type.It also has the jets of Gamma ray that can shoot more further.



There are many massive and beautiful objects in the Universe.But not all of the Universe are to kind to us.Some of the object are too massive,violent and the risky object.One of the thing is the BLACK HOLE.

-The BLACK HOLE is the deadly region of star in space.It is the most violent object in the space.The BLACK HOLE could sucked all the particles, electromagnets,objects,matters and mass,too.

-The BLACK HOLE can only escaped with just a slingshot that has an energy that more bigger than our Sun.Our Sun can orbit in galactic centre for about 720,000kph(450,000mph) but the closer star could reach millions of km/h.


1)2 stars are having a mutual dancing orbit around their centre of mass.Stars are bound together with gravitational energy.Stars will occupy an orbit to carry them closer to the galaxy's centre,BLACK HOLE.They are moving faster.

2)The stars will torn apart and if they stray closer,BLACK HOLE will take the opportunity with it's colossal gravitational energy to overwhelm the energy to binds the stars together,and tear them apart.

3)Before the stars aren't apart,they have a great speed in orbiting.After the pair of gravitational bond has broken,the rest of angular momentum and energy will given to the remaining star that makes the star get a massive speed boost and blast it like a firecrackers and outward.

4)Star initial orbit speed+extra angular momentum+extra energy=great speed and accelerate=15 million kph(9.4 million mph).It can fling out of the galaxy and wanders the universe as "THE STELLAR SPEED DEMON''.



You always watch sort of scientist or chemist mixing and adding some potion into the science apparatus.You are amazed and want to learn about chemistry.what is chemistry means?It is science field that studying about composition in matters,chemical reaction and etc.This is the most favour science all over the centuries.You can be scientist,biologist,chemist or biochemist.

The example of chemistry field's carrier:chemist

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Star Wars theory;KYLO REN


-KYLO REN is dark side warrior and being a part of member KNIGHTS OF REN and son of Han Solo and General Leia Organa Solo.He is Force sensitive human and former Jedi student of the legendary Jedi knight,Luke Skywalker.He has born after approximately 3 decades after Galactic Civil War at Endor.He was seduced by the dark side and killed the Jedi generation,cause Luke to vanish and disappear.He join the dark side and finish what his grandfather started it,Anakin Skywalker[DARTH VADER].


1)He wears a cloak,black robe,his belt and his own mask to hide his true identity.He is angry and easy-tempered.

2)He has a crossguard lightsaber blade and has his own vehicle.He wants to be like his grandfather,but rather than a Jedi,he chose the FALLEN SITH EMPIRE AND SITH LORD,DARTH VADER.



MC Mickey

Donattelo;hey,remember what master Splinter says,''Be a good man and may the Force be with you?

Leonardo;Isn't that from Star Wars movies?This is TMNT,remember?

All turtles;yeah we do?

Donattelo;okay,i'm forgotten about that

Quantum Levitation

Maybe you don't know there is a super magnet that can float above a magnet.Sounds ridiculous,right?But,it is the true fact that the super magnet can float above a magnet.We called it "SUPERCONDUCTOR".It's not like the original magnet,it is an extra-ordinary magnet.That type of magnet is the most powerful magnet that ever seen.It is ZERO ELECTRICAL RESISTANT type of magnet means it could pass through electrical current without being resist by resistant in electrical current on devices.Next,the magnet can move wherever there is magnet railway. Lastly,the magnet would only works if there is critical temperature below 0*C

Diagram shows the quantum levitation of SUPERCONDUCTOR.


This is the real of a death star,WR104 have 2 stars,which massively and counting down to their own imminent demise.WR's star could create the most destructable,deadly and potentially lethal gamma ray burst

1)crushed core

-If the star runs out of fuel,nuclear reaction will shut down the core.If it is massive enough,it cause the star can explode as supernova,and it destroy catastrophically under it's own weight.

2)the black hole

-If it's massive enough,core will collapse and also,become a black hole,and sets to hoovering stellar objects.

3)accretion disc

-Some of the particles would be sucked into the black hole,the rest will piled around the spinnig-accretion disc that whips particles into frenzy type.

4)gamma ray bursted

-Intense friction,turbulence,magnetism super-heat falling matter,cause to emit high energy radiation burst.Then, it focused to gamma ray jets that blast/shoot from star poles,contain more than our Sun put in our entire lifetime.


You may know the death star from the Star Wars movies,but that just in sci-fi movies only.It shoot the rays, and the ray's line will be seen and it can shoot and destroy an entire planet.

I'll show to you,the real Death star or supernova/hypernova


When we look at Technologies[tv,radio,phones,x-ray and etc.]and theories from old man[Albert Einstein,Michio Kaku,Stephen Hawking,Neil deGerease Tyson,Sir Isaac Newton],we actually hear about physics.What is actually physics means?it is science field and observation,studying about interaction between matters and mass,forces,energy,radiations,foundation of technology and motions.It can include the astronomy and maths,biology,chemistry and etc.

True facts;Physics has been exists since Ancient Greeks time[physics means nature knowledge]


Saturday, 6 February 2016


When we look at sky, we wonder the planets moving in their own orbit,facing to the sun.We also heard astonomer,astrophysichist and
they're actually learn astronomy.What is astronomy?it is science observation and learn about stars,planets,sun,object in sky[asteroid,comet,meteors,etc] and type of planet.





#THE AWAKENING OF THE FORCE!assalamualaikum and hello,my name is Ahmad Azir Irfan or Irfan for short.This is my first blog and welcome to my blog,you will be amazed with the amusing and amazing wonders of science[biology,chemistry,physics,geology and astronomy]and scifi talks[star wars,back to the future,1,2,3,].HOPE YOU ENJOY!

